I have been wondering what else we could use the molds to make. How about some crayons!
First get all of your supplies collected.
- Crayons - I ran out on Black Friday and got a great deal on the 96 Crayola pack. You don't need to buy new crayons - this is a great opportunity to recycle the broken nubbins in the bottom of your craft box.
- Molds of your choice
- Knife
Peel all of the paper off the crayons. Then chop them into smaller pieces. You can play with different size pieces to get different patterns in the finished crayon. Pile up the crayons in the mold. For the seahorse it took 3 whole crayons. The koi fish took about 6 crayons.
Preheat the oven to 150 degrees. Place the molds in the oven for 15-20 minutes until the crayons melt. After partially melted I added a few extra bits to make sure the mold was full when done.
When I removed the molds from the oven I used the back edge of the knife to slide the melted crayon from the edged into the cavity and clean it up a bit.
Let the crayons rest a bit until cool. If you are a tad impatient you can pop them in the fridge to help them cool.
Once cool, gently pull the sides of the mold away from your new crayon to remove from the mold.
And there you have it! Some great new crayons for the kids.
A couple close ups of the colorful creations.
Used the metallic crayons for the seahorse. Can you see the sparkles?
Close up of the seahorse face. Very cute and I love the colors!
Added a sand dollar at the last minute.

Remember if you use the molds for non food items they are not considered food grade after. Keep these molds separate from the ones you are going to use for food. I place a black "X on the back so I remember.
Products Used:
Seahorse Mold
Koi Mold
Sand Dollar Mold